Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012, Hopefully I'll...

- the sun rising over the ocean many-a-morning just before jumping in and paddling out on a surfboard
some real fight and determination from my beloved Melbourne Demons rather than meekly going through the motions and thinking close enough is good enough
- the headline "Abbott Says Yes"

- the 'thub-thub-thub' of a baby's heartbeat on an ultrasound machine while tightly holding my wife's hand (post 12 weeks even better)
- a rugby league broadcast that's not constantly interrupted by commentators announcing the latest betting odds/promotions
- Radiohead live for the very first time (high on the bucket list)

- a voting card on election day and be fully content with my choice
- type for hours on end, writing witty yet insightful blog posts and even 'paid' articles and contributions
- a winning Melbourne Cup bet slip (never picked the winner as yet)

- a beautifully crafted strong flat white while sitting in a Melbourne laneway dressed in a warm coat and footy scarf before the walk down to the G
- a beer or twenty-two at a wedding or head-wetting (been way too long since both)
- gallons of salt water while competing in more ocean swims

- the aroma of dencorub and sweat while sitting nervously in a footy changeroom waiting to run out on to the field (Masters footy obviously)
- only a few potty accidents while toilet-training the son
- a hot dog being cooked by a vendor on a New York street (only if the Melb Cup bet slip hope comes through)


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