Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't Worry

Just a quick note to let you know this blog will not be all political ranting and raving after my last post about Johnny Howard and the Iraq War.

As I said in my intro piece, I plan on writing about whatever takes my fancy and that’ll encompass a wide variety of subject matters. Essentially the idea of writing on a regular basis stems from a journal I kept during my wife’s pregnancy which I enjoyed writing and have loved looking back on as a record of that time. So I certainly don’t intend to blog on just one topic and it might be something political one day but then something family or fatherhood related the next. Maybe even the odd movie review or little piece on a gig I attended. Or a whinge about the latest injustice delivered against my favourite footy team (that could be a regular post actually).

Anyway, just wanted to say that in case I’ve scared a few readers (all two of you) off a bit. Opening yourself up to a diverse range of topics isn’t recommended actually. All the “How to Blog” books say find a niche and stick to it. But that’s not my plan as its all about jotting down some musings based on whatever is going through my mind at the time. So kick back and enjoy the ride with me. Hopefully it won’t be too bumpy for either of us.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If The Shoe Fits...

Wow. Just saw the footage of Johnny Howard having shoes thrown at him during last night’s Q&A program on the ABC. Now both he and Dubya have had to duck and weave to avoid a pair of stinky size 10s. Just Blair to go and then we’ll have the full ‘Triple Entente’ covered.

Which leads me to the whole notion of the Iraq War. I’m not going to delve fully into my feelings/thoughts on it as that would mean sitting at this computer for the next few days. But I just need to record my overwhelming opposition to the War from the very beginning, as evidenced by one of the only times I've ever marched at a political rally, and of course now that its been a monumental mistake with untold lives effected and resources chewed up.

Yes, after September 11, the US had to respond to Al Qaeda and go into Afghanistan and try and smoke out Bin Laden and his Taliban mates. Understood that. In fact, I supported it.

But going into Iraq as well was an error for the ages as it took a lot of resources and public support away from the ‘just’ war in Afghanistan and meant we all got stuck in the bogmire in Baghdad, Basra and co (not me personally obviously, but the young men who make up our respective defence forces). Not too mention the fact it meant a lot of the love from the rest of the world after Sept 11 was lost. And not too mention the WMD furphy and its lies and fake photos and more spin than a banana-kicked Sherrin.

The likes of Dubya, Johnny and Blair just wanted Saddam out and access to ‘his’ oil. It wasn’t about stopping terrorism. It wasn’t about WMDs. And it certainly wasn’t about regime change to bring ‘democracy’ to the Middle East. Dubya, Cheney and co saw a pile of cash and used all sorts of excuses to get to it. And Blair and Johnny merely said ‘how can we help’ when asked.

So quite frankly, Johnny was let off lightly just having some shoes thrown at him last night. I for one reckon a full inquiry should have been instituted to look at why we, Australia, went to war on such flimsy and ill-conceived notions. And that inquiry would not paint him or our security agencies in a positive light at all by my reckoning.

So yes Johnny, go ahead and publish your book with your version of events with all the justifications and excuses. But mate, I’m afraid history itself will not look kindly on your involvement, and therefore Australia’s involvement, in the whole sorry mess that was and is the Iraq War and Occupation.

(finally got that off my chest)


Friday, October 22, 2010

Welcome to Nah Seriously

All right. First post on brand new blog.

Ahh, the pressure. Where to start? What do I have to say?

Hang on, isn’t that why I created this bloody blog (swearing at blog in first post probably isn’t a good sign)? Cause I had something to say. Cause I wanted to start some writing. Yes it was.

OK, here goes. It was a dark and stormy night…

No, no, no! The other stuff.

Oh yeah.

Welcome to Nah Seriously. My name is EveryDayMan (EDM) and I’m here to help (might need to work on my originality).

Yes, I’m an everyday kind of guy whose looking for a bit of a creative outlet and an opportunity to jot down some musings as I merely pass along this journey of life with my trusty companions (wife and son) armed with nothing but a questioning mind and a dodgy footballers knee.

As further background, I’m a mid 30s male with a middle class upbringing (no “we was sooo poor, we had to…”) located in Brisbane, Queensland in the Commonwealth of Australia. I work as a Public Servant delivering fearless and frank advice on behalf of THE PEOPLE.

I own my own home although I’m slowly paying the bank back in fortnightly instalments (about 25 years to go based on current calculations). And I’m pretty much interested in anything that is interesting – politics, sport, music to name a few subject areas – but baulk at others such as embroidery, Chinese opera and polka dancing.

So there you have it. That’s my intro piece. Hope all my fans (Hi Mum!) enjoy what’s to come. Or at least hate it enough to provide comments and tell me how wrong I am.

Because that’s the point people. A sharing of thoughts and opinions. Of experiences and occurrences. Of cash and monies once I work out how to make a living out of this.

Did I just say that?

Nah seriously, til the next time.