Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Republic we have to have

One of the few strong opinions that I possess and have possessed for quite a time is my belief in Australia becoming a republic and cutting constitutional ties to so-called Mother England. I’ve had this opinion since I learned to form one, and until it actually happens, I will argue long and hard to try and achieve a Republic of Australia and have an Australian Head of State.

I mean, the Brits and their royal family haven’t given a fig about us for a long, long time. Putting us on the wrong beach at Gallipoli. Bodyline. Leaving us stranded at Singapore and not allowing our troops home to defend their country (Winston, I’m looking at you my friend). Bodyline. Skyping off to cannodle with their former Euro enemies and forgetting their ‘Commonwealth’. Bodyline. Giving our Oppn leader only 15 minutes after he flew direct over the top of our troops in Afghanistan to get there (actually, that was pretty funny). Bodyline. Even Prince Phillip himself said we were mad when told the result of the failed 1999 referendum (never, ever forgive Johnny for that one!).

Yes, the world has changed an awful lot since the Mother Country had any sort of relevance to us. No-one’s fault. Just the way it is. They’ve moved further toward Europe, and we’ve moved toward Asia and the Pacific. We’re a bleep on their radar only when the Ashes are on and only then if they’re winning. Or if Jonny Wilkinson is kicking. Which certain members of OUR royal family are often seen happily cheering for.

So why the ‘ell in this day and age do we have the Queen of England as our Head of State with the power to appoint and dismiss OUR Government? Its like the landlord at your old rental place having the power to say yeh or nay to anything you want to do at your brand new purchased home. And while that old landlord might not actually have much to say in practice, its still the vibe of the thing in that he/she COULD if he/she really wanted to.

A nation that has its own identity and is looking to promote itself into the world needs its own Head of State. It gives that nation legitimacy. It gives it standing. It gives its people one of their own to look up to. Instead, we have a system that’s still hanging on to its status from 200 years ago and gives the rest of the world the impression we would love to come over and play, but we’ll just have to check with mummy Queen first and make sure its OK.

And Constitutional Monarchists. What’s the deal there? Not one of them is under 50 years of age and having a spokesman like David Flint (the Professor) who talks like he’s the love child of Queen Victoria and Field Marshall Haig just further illustrates that our constitutional monarchy is from a bygone era. A relic. To be respected and acknowledged yes. But whose time has come and gone. An anachronism.

So yes, I wholeheartedly agree with myself that its time we stood on our own two feet as the Republic of Australia with our own Head of State. So I for one am hoping that the republican debate is put back on the agenda quicksmart and our politicians have the foresight to do the right thing by us and our nation.

The Poms and the past have moved on. Shouldn’t we?


1 comment:

  1. As a teacher, I am increasingly shocked by the conservative attitudes and beliefs of this generation and therefore it concerns me that they will not be demanding the Republic Debate be put back on the political agenda anytime soon. Either that, or they just don't care...
