Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Movember Reign

Well, its that time of the year again. When the face of manhood changes for a month and wifes/girlfriends run for the hills in fear and disgust. Yes, it is Movember, and I will again be partaking in this wonderful tradition and doing my best to usher in some of the ‘coolness’ of the likes of Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck.

Nah seriously, there is a serious side to all this as well. Namely, raising awareness of men’s health and donations for the likes of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Beyond Blue. Because close to 3,300 men die of prostate cancer in Australia each year and one in eight men will experience depression in their lifetime.

Statistics also show that on average men die younger than women. While the reasons for this are numerous and complex, it’s fair to say a large chunk of it is due to our lack of awareness of health issues and a reluctance to talk about them or seek advice and assistance. Simply, we dudes can no longer be prudes when it comes to our health!

Anyway, having had the odd visit from the black dog myself over my adult life, this is a cause I feel very strongly about. I am therefore asking you to support my efforts by making a donation via this site.

So get on board in some way and help me help you (if you’re a bloke that is). Weekly updates to come over the month before the final unveiling at the Mark Spitz Invitational swimming event in the last weekend of Movember (LWIM).

Til next time Mo-fos,


PS – like my subtle Guns N Roses tag in the title?

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