"All told, I think the last 20 hours is the Australian media's worst performance since the 2010 campaign."
Crikey's Bernard Keane the day after the Prime Minister announced the election date. And the eight days since haven't been much better.
Yes, it was historic for Gillard to announce the actual election date seven months in advance. It was a bold move and time will tell if it will pay off. One thing it did do though is it completely wrong-footed the Canberra Press Gallery who like to think they know every little nuance of this Government and its office-holders. Basically, they were left scratching their heads saying "but no-one leaked it to us". "No-one ran it passed us first".
Yes, Gillard did it for strategic reasons of her own, like every Australian Prime Minister has since Federation. That's the go with non-fixed terms. The leader of the day has the prerogative to call it when he/she sees fit. And the strategy seems to be about catching the Opposition off guard and trying to force Abbott and the Opposition to announce some costed policies, any costed policies, before the election.
And yes, the early election call did prompt the resignation of two of her Ministers. But they were going to quit anyway, as they told the PM last year, and they merely thought it best to step down now rather than create instability later on and closer to the election. Common sense really.
But according to our nation's media, the Canberra Press Gallery in particular, Gillard did it to distract from the immiment arrest of Craig Thomson. She did it to ward off a future challenge from Kevin Rudd. Her Government is in disarray and chaos because of the two Ministerial resignations. Her Government disrespects Jews by having the election on the date of Yom Kippur. Julia just wanted to show off her new flashy glasses.
FFS! There's so much stupid in all that I don't even know where to start. The Craig Thomson one stands out the most though. Just why the hell would Gillard want to start day one of her election campaign knowing full well the papers would be leading with a scandal about Thomson. Nonsensical. And one for the conspiracy theorists in long coats and wearing aluminium hats rather than those who are meant to be preeminent political journalists.
The Rudd thing is pretty damn stupid also as even the man himself has categorically denied any interest in a leadership spill before the election. If you'd seen his reaction yesterday morning to such a question you'd see how genuine that is. Only Kevin knows what Kevin plans on doing, but you'd think he has a better chance of being Prime Minister again by holding fire and perhaps rolling Abbott in three years time. Rather than bringing on another messy leadership challenge before the election that would no doubt bring down the Government that he might potentially lead for a mere few months.
Not a lot of sense behind the Yom Kippur/Jewish claims either seeing every election is held on the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday) and the concepts of pre-poll votes, postal votes and absentee votes are long established. But that didn't stop news.com.au coming up with this disgraceful picture of the PM doing a 'Sieg Heil' with its Nazi connotations (thanks to Mr Denmore).
And finally, the new glasses. Again, FFS! When this nation's media can actually concentrate on what the PM is saying and doing rather than how she is looking than I'll raise a toast once again to journalistic integrity. But to be honest, I'm not expecting that to occur anytime soon. Especially during this election campaign. And if we are going to go down that track, why hasn't there been any mainstream media mention of Abbott's very own 'makeover' when he attended his recent Press Gallery lunch.
There is a major concern that some of this coverage is rooted down in bias, particularly with a lot of it coming from News Ltd ("Hello, Rupert calling"). But I actually think its more rooted down in lazy journalism, incompetence and failures to distinguish between opinion and analysis. Quite simply, political journalism in this country is failing us and our democracy, and is trapped in a narrative of "he-said, she-said" whether its Gillard vs Abbott or Gillard vs Rudd or the truth vs a spectacle.
By all means, get stuck into the Government and demand answers/solutions on real policy issues and their vision and plan for Australia. That's what the fourth estate should be doing and that is why a fourth estate is so important in a democracy. But what we're getting isn't policy reporting and policy analysis. It's gossip, and rumour, and innuendo, and spin.
It's going to be a long seven months then if we're served up this drivel the whole time. This country needs more than ever a real election with a mature debate on the issues and the policies. Especially after everyone's performance during the last one; the politicians, the parties, the media, and even us the people.
But god help me if we don't get that. Because I better warn you now that I'll take no responsibility for my actions. It'll be the medication's fault. The stuff I'll need to be on to get through it all.
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