Saturday, January 26, 2013

EDM Extract - Kochie, A Captain's Pick, and The Big Wet

And there goes another week in the life of EDM. It's late January already and the news (and hits) just keep on coming.

First up, a big story for the week seems to have been the Kochie-breastfeeding-in-public saga. Uncle Kochie, the old scallywag, made some comments on Sunrise that he thought breastfeeding mothers should show more respect and some "common courtesy" by covering up if they're going to indulge, sorry, if their babies are going to indulge in public (Bit rich if you ask me...common courtesy not a redeeming trait of most Port supporters).

Not that suprising I guess that an elder TV man has an opinion that he wishes to share with the rest of us and certainly not that suprising that an elder TV man has that view. But perhaps he went a little too far when he said topless sunbathing was OK. Just not topless breastfeeding. Controversy was a-foot of course with it being national news for a few days and mothers storming Sunrise HQ (not quite the Bastille) on Monday and dropping their tops right under Koch's nose and on national television to protest at his remarks.

The footage was quite entertaining actually with Kochie eventually fronting the mothers flanked by a phalanx of security (hell hath no fury and all that) and some of his fellow female presenters looking a tad uncomfortable. But no doubt thoroughly appreciated by Channel 7 and Sunrise bosses with all manner of publicity and exposure being the result. What's the saying about any publicity being...

The political story of the week has been the Prime Minister's 'Captains Pick' of preselecting Olympian Nova Peris for the top spot on the Northern Territory Senate ticket for the Federal Election later this year. The current Labor NT Senator, Trish Crossin, was obviously not happy and didn't hold back in her attacks on the PM or Peris herself.

Labor was subsequently divided with some MPs claiming it was a good move while others didn't like the fact the normal preselection processes were supplanted. The attacks were nothing though in comparison to the personal remarks aimed at Peris from Alison Anderson, a NT politician, who claimed Peris would be nothing but a maid serving tea to her white party members. So it's definitely been a baptism of fire for Peris and she's probably wondering what the hell she's got herself into. At least she's already lasted longer than another sporting candidate, Mal Meninga, who didn't even get 30 sec into his first political interview before quitting.

Now I must admit I raised an eyebrow myself upon hearing the news of the Captain's Pick and just knew for sure there'd be the usual loud shouts and knashing of teeth about celebrity candidates, the bypassing of preselection procedures and rank and file members not getting a say. But a lot of that was dismissed once I read this article outlining Peris' achievements, other than sporting related, and I was impressed. Certainly her background of community work is a damn sight more impressive than about 95% of candidates we'll get at the next Federal election.

Another aspect of this issue has been the insight into something very new for me. Because until now, I never knew LNP MPs and conservative opinion-makers had such concern for the wants and needs of ALP rank and file members. Yes, it was truly enlightening the way they rounded on the PM and defended the rights of local ALP members to select their candidate. Others might say it was pure political opportunism, but I think that's selling them short. Solidarity forever hey comrades.

In other news, we have the big wet cometh to Queensland, including to the south east this long weekend where nearly 300mm is expected to fall. Quite a contrast to just two weeks ago when I wrote about the heatwave across the nation and I was bemoaning the late monsoon and very little in rain and storms for Queensland.

As I said at the time, I was a little unsure about doing a raindance seeing last time it resulted in the 2011 floods. Alas, some James Brown on the stereo brought it on and here we are about to receive a major dump again and all sorts of warnings about flash flooding and dam releases. My apologies people.

In all seriousness, while it's not expected to be anywhere as devastating as the 2011 floods, there is a level of nervousness about our first big wet since. As I wrote back then, the events of two years ago are not easily forgotten and there will be thousands of people across Queensland who've only just rebuilt who will have a wary eye on their local creek or river this weekend.

It's actually being reported that some Queensland towns are likely to have their second or third 1 in a 100 year flood in the last five years. And this only a few weeks after a record heatwave across the eastern seaboard and hundreds of temperature records being broken. But as you were, move along, nothing to see here. Climate change is crap and we should all just settle the hell down (sarcasm btw). But at the very least we should probably change the way we describe floods. This '1 in a' thing certainly isn't working anymore.

Anyway, as I type this it's thundering down outside and I'm keeping an eye on the neighbours rainwater tank as it has a tendency to overflow into our backyard. It's a given to happen sometime over this weekend though so maybe I should just give up watching and settle in for the drenching. It's not like I had an immense keenness to mow the lawns or anything. In fact, it's saved me a number of jobs this weekend. Maybe I should put some more James Brown on?

Til next time,


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