Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Watcher Series

Some of you might have noticed my output in relation to political posts has decreased dramatically. Well, there is a reason for that. Mostly around my current employment situation.

It's not for want of inspiration however. The goings-on in Queensland at the moment are providing plenty of inspiration with hypocrisy alerts going off on a daily basis and resultant levels of anger and disgust. But as I said, I just don't feel comfortable writing and posting my musings on it all. The risks are too great.

Someone, or some people, have no such qualms though and are taking all sorts of risks in producing The Watcher series of articles in The Brisbane Times. Trust me, some of the info and insights can only come from someone on the inside so there's some very brave person(s) deciding enough is enough and are trying to cut through the spin coming out of the Government.

Anyway, I'll let you guys decide on the legitimacy of The Watcher articles by allowing you to read them yourself. I'm not saying you have to fully take on board what is being said, but just open your mind to the fact not everything is what it seems from the Government side as they ramp up quite the media strategy to push their agenda. And to think Queenslanders voted the last Government out because they were sick of 'spin'.

Enough of the editorial though. Here's the link to The Watcher series. And here's one to yesterday's most recent article.

Decide for yourself then folks,


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