Can you smell it in the air? No? Try again. Raise your nose up a little higher and let out a big sniff. Can you smell it now?
It's that time of the year again when the fragrance of optimism and feelings of hope are abundant. It's in the air. It's in our hearts. It's in the forefront of our minds. Although the back of my minds may have something else to say about it.
Yes, Season Eve Optimism is a wonderful thing. Before any footy has been kicked in anger and the new jerseys are still at the manufacturers. Before new haircuts on old players have been seen and commentary teams are still working on name pronunciations.
You can dream of the year ahead for your beloved team. Will it be Premiers? Finalists? A Brownlow? A Dally M? A Rising Star?
It all seems possible in the hurly burly of February as speculation mounts higher and higher and the excitement grows to a fever pitch. Before the winter sets in around May anyway, and realism comes back to bite you and your team on the bum.
But May is a long way away at this time. It's Season Eve and what a special time of the year it is. The cricket season is getting on for a bit too long and a new inspiration (and challenge) awaits. It seems like an eternity since last winter and the bouncing pigskin being at the forefront of everything. Your withdrawal is great. There's only one cure.
Amongst it all, the papers are running with stories of certain blokes 'burning it up on the track' and others that have 'recovered strongly from last year's knee or shoulder or back'. Clubs are in the middle of membership drives and emails start flowing in for fantasy footy leagues and tipping comps. Not too mention the fact your local footy oval has come to life with the noise of circle work and 220 sprints.
The hope is strong. Excitement abounds. Will this be 'our' year you keep asking that voice in your head? 'Surely yes'. The footy gods can't be that cruel for you to go without for another.
But then that voice sparks up again with a nasty dose of doubt and negativity. 'Of course they can'. You've been hurt way too many times before. It's the same conversation you have with that voice this time every year.
Alas, optimism wins over and you can't help but be hopeful. Positive and bouyant. Encouraged and confident. 'Bring it on' you say. 'Let the games begin and may the best (my) team win'.
Happy Season Eve everybody.
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