Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Sun And The Sand

Sun, surf and swimming. The ingredients of the typical Australian summer holiday. And ingredients myself, the wife and son are enjoying immensely at the moment as we holiday up the coast.

Yes, the blogging hasn't been very regular over the last week or so as the inclination to sit down inside and type at a desk hasn't quite been there as the outside attractions have been far more persuasive. Particularly as the son runs and grabs his boardshorts almost as soon as he wakes up and hangs out at the door waiting to go to the beach, the pool, etc.

A great holiday being had therefore with the mornings taken up at the beach/pool before a middle of the day rest and read of the papers and books. Then a return to the beach/pool in the afternoon with nibbles being cracked open around 5pm with a few drinks for Mum and Dad and maybe an ice cream or choccy milk for the little fella.

Yes, could get very used to this lifestyle I must say and can happily admit there's been a few viewings of the local real estate windows as a result. Probably pie-in-the-sky but hey, you've got to have dreams.

This a very quick post then just to let my ardent fans know they haven't been forgotten. Its just holiday time for this correspondent and I plan on enjoying it while I can before the grind of everyday life returns next week and beyond. Not that this blog is a grind. Just all the other stuff that goes with work, homelife, commute and co.

So on that note, hope you are all well and can promise a return to normal programming soon. As I pop another piece of brie and cracker in my mouth and slice another lime for my Corona, and blissfully look out from our balcony at the sun and the sand below. Heaven right now. And loving it.

Yours from summer holiday land,


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