Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Post That Never Was

I wrote up a new post yesterday with every intention of posting it last night. Something was nagging away at me though and some doubts started to creep in.

I put it to the wife and she agreed that perhaps it wouldn't be for the best to share it with the world. Or the eight people who make up this blog's world anyway. The decision was then made to not publish. To let it slide.

The whole saga has then led me down a path of questioning a few things about this blog and evaluating the beast that is self-censorship. For when I started this blog, I certainly had every intention of not holding back and letting be said what I wanted to say.

But really, that was pretty naive and unrealistic. For starters, the majority of my readers are friends and family so of course you temper your words to fit the crowd. There's already been plenty of occasions where I've changed a certain phrase or decided a word is too strong. Or even scratched a post topic or two to ensure I don't write anything that may offend or disturb at the time some of the people I love and respect.

So yes, the beast of self-censorship is alive and well here at Nah Seriously and this latest event has made me realise this. And its a good thing too.

Because you can't just say what you want to say when you want to say it (despite what reality TV contestants think). A civilised society only works when people take others into consideration and respect the consequences of their own actions on those other people. Of course, no one lives up to this ideal all of the time. But as long as the majority do for the majority of the time.

And its the same with blogging. Especially when you have a partner and a family. As surely they deserve some level of privacy in relation to their daily goings-on and will sometimes not want certain information entering the public domain.

So what was the post that never was? Sorry folks, I know its been a massive tease saying all this and not revealing the thing that prompted these rambled musings.

Well, it wasn't anything controversial or scandalous I can assure you. Just some stuff going on that felt good to write about at the time. But in the end, no-one else really needs to know about it. At this point in time anyway.

Apologies then but that's the way it is I'm afraid. You can call me a post-tease if you like. I deserve it.


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