Jaysus, where has the last two months gone? Looking down at my last post and it says 30 August 2012. Seven weeks ago. Wow.
Yes, I have not been a good boy of late when it comes to regular correspondence on this blog. I have been quite regular in relation to twitter though with all sorts of witty and insightful comments over the ensuing weeks. Well, there's been plenty of comments anyway.
Excuses, I gotta few. But nothing too outlandish with the usual work, kids, family pretexts. I did move house though and there is another very big one but it’s mostly of a personal nature so not suited to being broadcast to the world. Time may tell though.
So what’s happened the last seven weeks? What hasn’t happened actually.
We’ve had the State Budget and public service cuts in Queensland; a bitter feud and misogyny accusations in our nation’s Parliament; a glorious finals series in my chosen footy code (AFL); US Presidential debates and electioneering; and Scotland looking to leave the UK.
We’ve had shock jocks being held to account for their shocking comments for once; an Afghan girl being shot by the Taliban for asking to attend school; and a man jumped from the edge of space and landed back on earth like he’d jumped off a park bench.
So much to comment on, but for yours truly, it’s been so few time. I definitely aim on getting back on the horse though soon and bringing the world more of my particular style of writing and unique bent on the world. Its not for everyone, but hey, I like it.
Til next time my friends,
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