It's Friday afternoon and I've just realised its been a while since I last posted. Thought I better log in and write something as the clock ticks down toward 5pm and the end of the working week.
So, what to write about? Well, in the absence of anything more interesting, my weekend ahead looks a little like this:
- Night-in tonight (aren't they all) so probably some PVR shows and an itunes session on the laptop. Just wish I could watch the footy (bloody Channel 7). Should be a cracker tonight.
- Usual Saturday morning breakfast early on at Coaldrakes in the Valley. There's a CD title in there somewhere I reckon.
- Family photos session on Saturday afternoon for the mother-in-law's birthday. Hoping I pick the 'right' shirt for the occasion.
- Wife out Saturday night, although she has also talked of a dinner party at her sisters. Will have to confirm.
- Sunday morning no doubt a park session with the son. He's learning how to ride a bike so better have my running shoes on.
- Lunch at the Albion Hotel before a few hours on the 'green' at Windsor Bowls Club for my farewell for up the coast. Cheers to the boys for organising.
- Probably an easy dinner Sunday night with a nice glass of red. Although I might also be in 'hydration mode' and smashing down the waters after an afternoon of bowls and beers.
So there you have it. Funny how the weekends fill up so quickly but some fun stuff in there that's for sure.
Perhaps not that interesting to the rest of you though. Promise next post will be far more complex, intriguing and thought-provoking.
Til then my friends,
I think you're forgetting:
ReplyDelete- Logging into Supercoach countless times to check progress only to find your opponent pips you at the post.
Actually, it went down a little like this:
ReplyDelete- Logging into Supercoach on Monday morning to find I smashed my opponent with a score ranked 1,000 out of 400,000 supercoaches around the world.