Thursday, July 7, 2011

Executive Decision - Just Doing It

Well, the decision has been made. The course is being plotted. And the arrangements are being arranged. EDM and family are moving up the coast.

If you've been a regular reader of late you would have seen this post that provided plenty of clues. Actually, they weren't exactly clues. More like flashing neon lights with a massive arrow pointing to a sign saying "I think they might move up the coast".

Nonetheless, reading that post you can see clearly the thought process that has gone into this decision and all the contemplations and deliberations. It hasn't been an easy one though. So much to consider in looking to uproot your entire lives and try something different for a bit. Especially with the son in tow and the 'normal' family routines we have developed.

Alas, it came time to finally put up or shut up. Many of you would be familiar with our talk of 'doing it one day' so you were probably as sick of hearing it as we were of saying it. So yes it does seem like it was time to just give it a go. Especially in the ensuing years before the son starts school.

'The details', I hear you ask? Well, it's not a complete seachange as such. I will merely be taking extended leave at half-pay to allow for a 6 month summer jaunt at the beach. Means I'll be doing Daddy Daycare with the son while the wife takes on some part-time hours.

We'll also be renting our house out over that time as well. The plan is to return at the end of it all, but hey, who knows?

This way we still have the security of my permanent job if need be and we get to keep the house rather than trying to sell in this market. We'll still be mortgage slaves therefore but hopefully we can get someone else, the renters, to help with paying it off. On a small scale anyway. Depends largely on how 'beach shack' we allow ourselves to go up the coast.

So there you have it. We've been officially diagnosed with a bad case of seachangeitis and moving up seems like the only cure.

Looking mighty forward to our 'rehab' then. And sharing on this blog the future coastal exploits of Family EDM.


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