Monday, October 3, 2011

A Focus Realignment

Just a quick post my friends to point something out that has only just come to me as I've had a ponder or two about my current circumstances and recent changes in my life.

Regular readers would be aware that most of my previous posts in a previous life, my working life I mean, had a political or social comment bent. This largely stemmed from my job and its daily requirements of having to be up-to-date and aware of all the news and current affairs of the day.

Consequently, I had cause to form an opinion or two and jot down some musings based on these for all of you to either agree or disagree. Not sure which as the comments have been rather light on for a while.

Anyways, you get the picture. This blog's been a vehicle for my opinions to be delivered and perhaps debated. A crucible you might say for the forming of points of view and the development of, what I hope anyway, are effective and efficient arguments.

las, the taking of long-term leave from my job has taken me out of the news-cycle environment and the constant, nagging consideration one must give it when working in the political sphere.

And you know what, I haven't missed it at all and am relishing in being away from it. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn about it right now and am starting to relate to what most of the Australian population must feel when it comes to politics - apathy, and lots of it. Its feel strange for someone like me but I'm just going with it for the moment.

Yes, its a major focus realignment for me as I change from being a burntout worker-bee to family man and primary care provider to our son. The in and outs of the political game just aren't doing it for me right now and I can already see this blog's content changing as a result. Since the taking up of leave, its been all about family stuff and the providing of a narrative on our sea/tree change. No opinions being espoused or arguments being rammed down your throats.

So what does it all mean? Not a hell of a lot really. Some of you probably appreciate the storytelling stuff a lot more so perhaps the change in focus will bring on some additional readers.

I do know some enjoyed my take on things in the past though which led to plenty of hearty and healthy discussions with some of you in various forums, the pub included. The world is a better place when that sharing of views can occur in a civilised way so that will be missed I must admit.

But I can't be all things to all people so you'll have to expect a continuation of the narrative style for the coming months and less of a talkfest on politics and social discourse. So what will the next post be on? All will be revealed in time so stay tuned.


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