Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hello, Anybody There?

16 April since I last posted? Really? It's been that bloody long?

Geez, humble apologies to you all then. My regular readers and all. You've no doubt been coming back here on a regular basis over the ensuing weeks and been waiting anxiously for a new post to be uploaded with baited breath and all that. Well, haven't you?

Nah Seriously (always wanted to say that), EDM has been very neglectful of late and I apologise wholeheartedly. I do have a few excuses but nonetheless I probably should have provided 2-3 updates at least in that time. Alas, I'm here now and punching out some musings once again.

My main excuse then would just have to be about focus. As you all know, my previous life as a daddy care provider while living up the coast provided all sorts of inspiration for musings while also giving me some time to focus on writing and to contemplate and collect my thoughts.

When I say time, I don't mean the actual clicking clock type of time though. Daddy day care is bloody hard work and the only sort of time like that was during the son's middle of the day sleep. And sometimes even not then.

No, what I mean is that life was pretty darn simple up there and I knew I had just a few things to accomplish on a weekly basis. Making sure the son didn't fill his pants was one of them. But another was to punch out at least two blog posts a week.

Life back here in Brissy town is quite different though. Mainly because it is 'real' life. Filled with a job and a mortgage and a commute and this bill and that bill, etc etc. Obviously we had some of those issues while we lived up the coast but they just didn't seem to matter as much and certainly didn't tie us down to the same extent.

I guess a full-time job does that to you. The every minute of every day just highlights why you have to have a job in the first place and therefore you feel a lot more 'tied' to it and the mortage and the bills, etc etc.

So yes, my lack of regular posting of late is pretty much due to being overwhelmed by all that and just trying to get through the day to day since our return. Not that my life is terrible or anything. Just that it's taking a while to get back into the swing of things again and getting used to the rat race and all that it brings.

Some of you might be saying 'rat race in Brisbane?' Well yes, it is. Certainly not by Sydney or London or New York standards. But it still has its major traffic issues with so much construction going on and there's still the commute, the daycare pickup/dropoff, the get-to-the-shops-for-dinner type stuff that goes with life in any big(ish) city.

The end result of all this has been both a lack of effort and a lack of inspiration for writing. One comes home (do I sound like the Queen?) and does the night routine with the son and dinner and co and both the effort and the inspiration to jot down some stuff just isn't there. Some of it is pure laziness I admit. But some of it is also a lack of focus that everyday life seems to have taken away from me since we returned to the big smoke.

But that's all going to change from now on. The focus is back and hopefully the effort. I'm most happiest when I'm writing and pondering and researching so I just need to get back into it for my own sake as anything. But of course for all your sakes as well (sarcasm fully intended).

So herein lies my comeback post for all things Nah Seriously and a real commitment to get back on the horse. I won't make any promises however, especially with a very big week ahead, but I certainly intend to get my writing boots back on and start cracking the proverbial whip.

Come for the ride then my friends. We've had a short layover and a rest, but the journey ahead continues.

Til next time then,


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